+61 474 114 571 admin@wvic.biz

About Us

Water View International Consulting provides exemplary, independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve their client’s operations. We operate throughout Australia and Internationally, however our focus is to provide a cost effective business for Northern Australia.

We have designed this website to be a resource for our clients and to communicate who we are and what we do.

Water View International Consulting takes pride in representing Federal, State, and Local Governments and Industry in the profession of auditing. We provide clients with our best efforts concerning quality and customer service during each engagement. Water View International Consulting adheres to the professional standards set forth by the AS/NZS ISO 19011 Standards and the profession.

We are proud that we can successfully “partner” with our client’s management, and staff, while maintaining our independence and objectivity as we work together to enhance our client’s efficiency and effectiveness.

We recognise there is always room for improvement in any operation and we welcome any suggestions that you may have as to how we can better serve our clients.

Our Mission, Vision & Values



The mission of Water View International Consulting is to provide exemplary, independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve their client’s operations.

Our Vision


To be recognized by industry as a valuable business partner by independently and objectively providing information, analyses and counsel to assist management in fulfilling their responsibility for ensuring operations are managed safely, ethically, effectively and efficiently.

Our Values


At Water View international Consulting we believe in the core values of Objectivity, Integrity and Assurance.

Team Profiles

Mr Jason O'Brien

Mr Jason O'Brien

Managing Director